Second moth

May 19, 2006

Here’s another sphinx moth, freshly hatched but obviously having had time to dry its wings. The second one arrived around noon, and the third had come up by 4 pm. We took a good look and admired their size, then unzipped the lid and set them free.

Two of them darted out, faster than I could photograph, and flew across the road—right into the path of a passing car! I just had time to utter, “Oh no!” as the car plowed toward them, but then they shot skyward and seemed to get clear. Wouldn’t that have been ironic—squashed on a windshield in their first minute of flight. The third had more sense and headed straight for my Mexican shrub daisy for a long sip, and then it flew away. I hope to see them again in the next few days.

3 responses to “Second moth”

  1. bill says:

    That one really looks like a propeller airplance!

    Great photos.

  2. I found you from sign of the shovel.Your garden looks beautiful.I love the sphinx moth.We get them later in summer here.

  3. Pam says:

    Thanks, Bill and Tani.