
May 19, 2006

Overnight or early this morning the first sphinx moth emerged from the soil in the butterfly enclosure. I was excited to see it there, resting quietly on one of the walls. I placed a damp paper towel and a few stalks of gaura and Indigo Spires salvia in the enclosure to keep it sated until this afternoon, when the kids can see it. Afterward we’ll release it into the garden.

There are two more pupae in the soil (see my April 21 post about collecting the caterpillars). It has been 3 weeks almost to the day since they went underground to pupate. I’d read that it would take about 2 weeks for the moths to emerge, but maybe these are late bloomers. I hope to see another one tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the Apple Tart daylilies are blooming.

A metal mariachi seems to sing the daylily’s praises.

One response to “Metamorphosis”

  1. Heather says:

    Okay, I have GOT to get that daylily! It will look terrible with the rest of my day lilies, so I’ll have to rip them all out, but I MUST have it. 🙂