November 02, 2018

Sod Busting: 8 Great Ideas for Your Yard After Digging Up the Lawn Cancelled due to Covid-19 quarantine

Pioneering homeowners are plowing up their lawns to grow wildlife-and people-friendly gardens that delight the senses, are not harmful to Mother Nature, and won’t scare the neighbors. You can too! Avoid the “zero-scape” look – i.e., a moonscape of rocks with a token cactus – by selecting several of these 8 great ideas for no-lawn (or less-lawn) yards.

When: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 10:45 a.m. to 12 noon

Where: Waco, Texas

What: I’ll be giving a keynote talk for the annual Texas Master Gardener Conference, with a book sale afterward. Find the full agenda here.

Who: The conference is open to Master Gardeners across the state.

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