Garden path wonderland at Paxson Hill Farm, part 3

February 15, 2022

My detour to Paxson Hill Farm‘s beautiful and imaginative gardens in New Hope, Pennsylvania, proved to be a highlight of my big road trip last October. Here’s Part 3 of my tour. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.

Railroad tie path

Leaving the hobbit house (see Part 2), I followed the path past grasses and a Japanese maple that was just turning orangey red with the changing seasons.

The juncture of two paths provided an opportunity for creative paving, with railroad ties adding a beachy boardwalk feel.

Looking left I saw the crossroads again (first shown in Part 1) — a circular lawn from which 6 or 7 garden paths branch like spokes on a wheel.

The kinetic sculpture by Jeff Kahn is called Naked Alien. But I’m here for those gorgeous phormium planters.

Each one is jam-packed with a sunset-hued phormium, ‘Sticks on Fire’ euphorbia, yellow bulbine, silver ponyfoot, fishhooks senecio maybe, and pink pelargonium. And maybe a pink kangaroo paws sticking out on the left side?

From the crossroads, here’s how the path entrance looks, with the planters serving as a gateway. This was the path I found most enticing in Part 1, and now we’re going to explore it.

Angels are singing, right? Let’s go!

Aaaaand let’s stop and look.

Blackberry lilies…

…and chocolate cosmos and orange lantana, oh my.

Gleaming blackberry lily seed clusters

Which way to go? Also, are these the tidiest paths ever, or what? This was near the end of the day, mind you, and there’s not one fallen leaf on the paths. How??

Now we’re back to the railroad tie path that I showed at the top of this post. Another phormium combo in a red pot echoes the rich hue of Japanese blood grass tracing the curving walk.

It’s a gorgeous container, and it marks a gap in the path that allows water to pass through.

Bridge Garden

Water plays a big role in the Bridge Garden, named for a black, arching, Asian-style bridge that spans a cascading waterfall.

Blood grass lapping at the boardwalk path reminds me of a flowing stream as well.

But this clumping grass is my favorite: ‘Moudry’ black pennisetum, especially paired with the bigger bottlebrush foliage of pines.

Isn’t it wonderful? Now I’m googling if ‘Moudry’ grows well in Austin…

The railroad tie path steps up to a small deck…

…with black motel chairs overlooking a pond and the black bridge.

A beautiful scene

Back to those pennisetums though

I can’t get enough of these fuzzy, charcoal-mauve bottlebrush plumes. Paired with chocolate-pink phormiums and a burgundy shrub, plus forest-green yews, they’re moody perfection.

And I mean, look at this: fastigiate plum yews, blue-potted phormiums, and black pennisetum. I don’t know the small, dark-green plant in the foreground, but it adds wonderful texture and hits the right color notes too.

Black sweet potato vine makes the perfect spiller for the turquoise pot. And no, my fellow Central Texans, I don’t think we can have phormium. Blame our Gulf Coast humidity and steamy summer nights, which also melt away our kangaroo paws dreams.

Let’s admire this entire combo — with giant miscanthus grass flowering in the background — one last time.

Grass path

The garden is alive with the movement of grasses in autumn finery.

Autumn vignette

More pennisetum bottlebrushes

Alternating patches of dark- and light-flowering grasses, with the dark, sinuous trunks of a weepy tree

Hedge maze

In the back corner of the garden, I found a hedge maze. I wandered for a minute or two, but, worried I was running out of time before the garden closed, and fearing I’d get lost in there, I turned back. Completionist that I am, I wish I’d had time to fully explore it.

Rock garden

A small rock garden lies between the maze and a shade garden.

Asian woodland

Shade-loving hostas crowd the gravel path, immersing you in lushness. A stream cuts the path, crossed by a stone plank bridge.

The stream originates from a small pool with a low, bubbling fountain that creates the illusion of a rocky spring.

The water flows into the pond with the black bridge.

A closer view

Koi meander in the pond, which is overhung by the red skirt of a sprawling Japanese maple.

The fall color was just getting going in mid-October. I imagine late October or early November must be when it peaks.

The wandering paths invite you to lose yourself in the garden.

Notice how the perimeter is screened with dense foliage, hiding what must be open fields or houses beyond.

A contemplative space

Another beautiful view, with some real fall color

Same scene, different angle

Japanese forest grass flows along the path’s edge.

Being a shade garden, the woodland is less showy than sunnier spaces. But its peaceful greenery accented with Asian garden sculpture feels tranquil and lovely.

Pale pink Japanese anemones host a tiny crab spider lying in wait.

And one final vignette from the lovely gardens of Paxson Hill Farm.

Up next: The Texas-esque gravel garden at Chanticleer, one of the most exciting and creative public gardens anywhere. For a look back at Part 2 of Paxson Hill Farm click here, and for Part 1 click here.


Digging Deeper

Need design help with your yard? Hire me as your personal garden coach! Maybe you need replacement plant ideas after the big freeze. Or maybe your landscaping has grown tired, and you want fresh curb appeal. Or perhaps you’re ready to get rid of some lawn and create a pollinator garden, bird habitat, or hangout space for you and your friends. I’m here to help! Contact me to let me know what’s going on, and let’s figure it out together. My range is Austin and suburbs within a 25-min. drive of NW Austin, but I’m flexible and can travel farther with a surcharge, so let me know where you are. Weekday morning appts. only.

Come learn about gardening and design at Garden Spark! I organize in-person talks by inspiring designers, landscape architects, authors, and gardeners a few times a year in Austin. These are limited-attendance events that sell out quickly, so join the Garden Spark email list to be notified in advance; simply click this link and ask to be added. Season 8 kicks off in fall 2024. Stay tuned for more info!

All material © 2024 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

8 responses to “Garden path wonderland at Paxson Hill Farm, part 3”

  1. Linda says:

    I’ve loved seeing all the gardens from your big trip. Gotta ask, though–how many pictures did you take? (Or did you even keep track.) I was thinking of the pre-digital camera days when we THOUGHT we were taking a lot pictures when we came home with several rolls ready to be developed…

    • Pam/Digging says:

      Haha, good point, Linda. I took about 3,000 photos on this 18-day trip. It’s been a lot to work through as I post about the gardens and sights along the way. But I’m grateful that shooting digitally gives me license to take as many photos as I wish, with no concern about the cost to process film. I remember those days and don’t miss them. 🙂

  2. Lynn says:

    Wow, this garden uses layers and textures brilliantly, each photo was a lesson in great planting. Thanks for sharing these gardens along with all of the details with us Pam.

    • Pam/Digging says:

      You’re welcome, Lynn. I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. It’s a beautifully designed garden.

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Oh mercy, this garden is jammed packed with so much texture and color. Loved seeing it. I will be coming back to these posts more than once.

    • Pam/Digging says:

      There’s a lot of great inspiration in this garden. I’m glad you enjoyed the virtual tour, Lisa.

  4. I saved all the Paxson Hill Farm posts and read them back to back, what a fabulous garden! And to read that Chanticleer is up next? Be still my heart…

    • Pam/Digging says:

      Yes! And oh my gosh, I have SO many photos from Chanticleer to share. This happens every time I go. It’s infinitely photographable. But then so is Paxson Hill Farm. I’m glad you enjoyed the series.