Oh, if you were a mouse…

May 05, 2010

…you’d be mine!
Our resident screech owl stared me down this afternoon as I watched it from the deck. We still don’t know whether it’s a male or female, but we’re hoping for the latter, as we’d love to see some fuzzy chicks peeking out soon. It usually flies from the box around 8 pm, soaring beneath the tree canopy into the greenbelt behind our house.
One evening it came flying right back with a blue jay hot on its tail. The owl took cover in the box while the jay screeched angrily from nearby branches for several minutes. We wondered whether the owl had made off with one of the jay’s chicks.
All material © 2006-2010 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Oh, if you were a mouse…”

  1. I LOVE owls! I only wish we had some near my home. Alas, I think it’s too residential for them. Yours is such a cutie!!

  2. Kathleen says:

    What a great photo Pam! It’s got to be exciting having him/her in your box. I hope you get some chicks too but don’t they nest early???

  3. Oh Pam, that photo and your owl are both adorable! Love it! We have a great horned owl that frequents our trees. He lives in the woods just down the road and we can hear him nearly every night, all through the year. When he flies down to our trees, even with the windows closed, his hoots are so loud, they can keep us awake. Amazing!

  4. Diana says:

    What a wonderful photo — he really is glaring at you, isn’t he (or she)? Have fun watching the National Geographic channel right in your own back yard!

  5. Caroline says:

    I want one sooooo bad! No sign of a resident in our Owl Shack yet. Will one ever come? Your owl is too cute for words!

  6. Sheila says:

    That’s an amazing photo Pam! We have an owl of some kind, but we never see it, just hear it.

  7. Lisa says:

    What a face! I hope the owl isn’t stressed out by observation.

  8. Town Mouse says:

    Oh, that is just so wonderful! Glad you’re sharing, can’t wait to hear what’s next.

  9. Love owls! Excellent garden guardians!

  10. Nancy Bond says:

    They are such amazing creatures! Great shot.

  11. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    What a funny look. It looks like it is angry that you woke her. Ha… I hope she has babies in there too. What fun to watch them fledge.

  12. Jenny says:

    Now that would be retribution. After what they did to our cardinals! Hope the owl is nesting but he may just be roosting.

  13. Awesome picture… and YAY for having a resident owl! 🙂

  14. kat says:

    Can you tell us all where you got your owl nesting box? And where/how is it installed. I read they are supposed to face or east or southeast. There’s something about the size of the opening too, and it should be small enough so blue jays can’t come in take over the nest. Thanks for any insight.
    Kat, my DH made it for me one Christmas. He got the instructions and other information from the Audubon Magazine website. —Pam

  15. gosh you’re getting some great shots of that owl!