Mouse & Trowel Awards are back

April 05, 2010

The Mouse & Trowel Awards have returned, after a year’s hiatus, allowing readers once again to “show your favorite garden blogs a little love.” Dubbed the Mousies, they are the people’s choice awards of the garden-blogging world. Anyone can make nominations and vote, non-bloggers and bloggers alike. You don’t even have to register; all you need is an email address. It’s that democratic.
So why not take a minute and nominate your favorite garden blogs for a Mousie? I won’t be coy. I’d love to see Digging get a nod or two if you’re so inclined. Is it too forward to suggest a nomination for Post of the Year for “Naysayers,” or, ahem, Garden Blog of the Year?
No worries if you have other favorites. I have a number of must-reads too. The point is, let’s honor those garden blogs that brighten our days and inspire us to put shovel to dirt in our own gardens.
Nominations will be accepted until midnight on 4/30/10. Click here to see the M&T nomination form.

All material © 2006-2010 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Mouse & Trowel Awards are back”

  1. Frances says:

    Thanks for the heads up on this Pam, we will jump right over and check it out. BTW, I bought a bulbine on a recent trip to Orlando and would appreciate any pointers on keeping it alive in a pot. Possibly the pot can overwinter in the garage, or would the warmer greenhouse be better? Good luck with the mousies! 🙂
    Congrats on the bulbine find, Frances. I know you love that plant. You know, they are very hardy here and don’t require anything special. I suppose good drainage is best, and they bloom best in full sun, but they seem to do OK even in clay soil and dappled shade. Most of mine survived our cold snap in the ground, though I did lose a couple of new transplants. Certainly they can handle cold temps around 25 to 30 without a problem, but probably good drainage helps with that. —Pam

  2. Thanks for letting us know. I’m going to vote for your stock tank post as best.
    Thanks a bunch, Kathleen! Stock tank love—pass it on! —Pam

  3. I discovered these awards today too! All I really want to do is win for best design…

  4. Thanks for letting us know, Pam! I have quite a few I’d like to nominate…oooh, decisions, decisions…