Chirpy succulent dish

March 27, 2010

A sweet Saturday filled with friends and gardening and gardening friends lies ahead. As I make the rounds in the springing-to-life garden this morning, I think a picture of my chirpy succulent dish is in order.
I hope you have a happy day in the garden too!
All material © 2006-2010 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Chirpy succulent dish”

  1. Darla says:

    I’ll raise my glass to this!

  2. Eric says:

    It’s saturday indeed, and the weather is near ideal here in Austin (as you probably already know). Today we will be finishing the prep on the remaining planting beds to get ready for the annual LBJ WFC plant sale. I’d love to hear your opinions on any “must haves” for Central Texas.

  3. The succulent dish is so lovely! After reviewing Debra Lee Baldwin’s book, I got so inspired that I created my first succulent container. I know there will be more to come!
    Have a Happy Spring Day!
    I saw your beautiful succulent container, Cameron, and I wanted to leave a comment about it, but I am unable to now; the Name/URL option in your comment field has been disabled. I thought you did a great job though. —Pam

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Looking forward to the day. We are having company and it will be nice enough to sit outside. Yay… Your succulent dish is sweet. When I read the title to the post I started thinking to myself “four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie”…

  5. Debbie says:

    It sounds like you have a lovely day planned. Here in CT the temps are below-normal again so I’m planning on spending just a little bit of time in the garden cleaning up the beds and then more time inside cleaning up my desk.

  6. Gail says:

    I love this container Pam….and the sweet bird is perfect. Have fun at Diana’s house….You know we all wish we could be there too. gail

  7. Hi Pam
    Yes,at last. Now I’m happy. The spring has arrived here in our part of Sweden.
    The Snowdrops, Hepatica and Crokus is on there way up.
    It cant be any better.
    Have a nice springtime Ken

  8. Kim says:

    Your dish is very cute! I’ll have to try this idea!

  9. Cheri says:

    This is beautiful, the colors, the little bird – just beautiful. I think this will be the year I actually make a succulent garden. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Jayne says:

    What a sweet succulent dish. I’m looking forward to a day in the garden too. Lovely weather here in the Houston area.

  11. Jenny B says:

    So pretty! The chirpy little bird adds just the right touch to your dish of succulents.

  12. Did the blue glass piece come from OK? A friend of mine in Raleigh bring something similar back for OK when he visits. He gave me a clear piece which I love. H.
    The slag glass came from a place here in Austin called the Living Desert, Helen. The owner offers a huge selection of sizes and colors. —Pam

  13. Les says:

    When I saw this post’s title, I thought Pam must be giving us a recipe.
    Sounds yummy! —Pam

  14. ESP says:

    Had a fun day today, and it was good to see you again Pam. The Jenny moment was priceless…and no, Jenny if you read this, we will not tell you what it was, right Pam? I was laughing about it as my truck slipped gears all the way home…and you are right, like I am any better! What a great day, and if you mention my “big tour” one more time Pam…well two words: Naboo darts, if you catch my drift!
    Your distant gophers look like they are going nuts! And is that a squid behind the container? (Got to love gardening language)!
    Cheers Pam.
    Ha! Yes, the look on your face during that Jenny moment was priceless—and then you picked up that artemisia! Leah is going to have a fit when she discovers it. Then who will be running from Naboo darts, hm?
    Those gophers are going to be in need of a serious trim once they’re done blooming. And yep, that is definitely a squid pup growing behind the succulent dish—and near the whale (a few lower leaves are visible). What a menagerie. —Pam

  15. Daricia says:

    how can you look at that and not smile? that is so cute!!
    It does make me smile. I’m glad you enjoyed it too, Daricia. —Pam

  16. June Tarr says:

    That succulent dish was once her mother’s. If I had known how cute it looked without chips and dip….I’d have kept it! You do have a way with containers my love!
    You didn’t know how much use I’d get out of it when you gave it to me, did you? I sure have enjoyed it! —Pam