Announcing photo-notecard winners!

February 21, 2010

Between last Sunday and this morning, 91 of you left a comment on my 4th blogiversary giveaway post! Many thanks for all the good wishes, and for playing along. At 10 a.m. I used a random number generator to select three numbers and matched those up to the comment numbers. Without further ado, here are the three winners of the photo-notecard sets:

Anna Flowergardengirl at Decorate a Garden, from North Carolina
Kay at Gardening with Attitude, from Florida
Les at A Tidewater Gardener, from Virginia

A trio of Southerners, it seems, and all fellow bloggers as well. Drawing Les’s name held some irony for me since I recently won a set of notecards (and was inspired to do the same) from his own blogiversary post. Weird, huh? I promise, it was random!
Congratulations to all three winners. I’ll contact you via email to get your addresses and mail your winnings this week. I hope you enjoy the photo cards!
All material © 2006-2010 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Announcing photo-notecard winners!”

  1. Diana says:

    Cool – your bottles look blue-tiful in the sunshine! Isn’t it a glorious day? Hope you are out in it!

  2. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Good for them.

  3. Jayne says:

    Congratulations to the winners.

  4. Darla says:

    Congrats to the winners…what a nice looking bottle tree.

  5. And send along that bottle tree too! Thank you so much Pam. I look forward to getting the cards and am honored that your photos adorn them. We all know your photography well.

  6. Kay says:

    Thanks, Pam! Not only am I lucky, I am in the good company of other bloggers I enjoy. Maybe the notecards will include a photo of your blue bottle tree…

  7. Bren says:

    I love this art in your garden. Your warm photos are helping the snow not seem to COLD as it falls tonight. THANK YOU for the warm thoughts.
    ((HUGS)) Happy Blog-versary. You are one of my favorite bloggers to follow.
    I hope you will stop by my new page on wordpress?!

  8. Les says:

    Yes indeed it is ironic. When I told my wife she got all indignant wanting to know if you were sending her cards out. I assured her you were not and all is fine now. Thanks again!

  9. Nicole says:

    That’s a cool contest and congrats on your anniversary.

  10. Town Mouse says:

    Love that bottle tree! So, it’s possible to keep going for 4 years and still have something to say. That’s encouraging, I always worry. Of course I have at least 2 posts planned in my head at any time…Maybe I need to stop worrying.

  11. Sunny says:

    What a great idea, that bottle tree is awesome

  12. Layanee says:

    I love that photo with the blue bottle color on the agave leaves.

  13. Lola says:

    Congrats to all winners. May you enjoy them.