Groundhog Day pick-me-up

February 02, 2010

Six more weeks of winter? Say it ain’t so, Phil!
Actually, it isn’t so—not in central Texas anyway. While Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome this year, freeze-browning many of our plants during his tenure, cold is relative, and Austin winters are just not that bad.
But it seems a week since we’ve seen the sun, and with the groundhog promising six more weeks, I thought that yet another picture of my mystery amaryllis might help me feel spring’s cheer a little earlier.
I hope it does for you too. Cheers!
All material © 2006-2010 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Groundhog Day pick-me-up”

  1. You may or may not know that Amaryllis is one of my very favorite plants/bulbs. I don’t think I’ve ever met one I didn’t like! I love how yours is complemented perfectly by your table runner.
    Thanks, Kylee. That pairing was serendipitous. —Pam

  2. Meredith says:

    Beautiful mystery lady there. Why not go by Atlanta’s groundhog? Phil is for the folks up North. 😉
    So true, Meredith. We Southerners know that spring is always right around the corner anyway, don’t we? With summer hot on its heels! —Pam

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Yes, blooms and color are just what the doctor ordered for me.
    I’m happy to have filled your prescription, Lisa. —Pam

  4. Susie says:

    Love your amaryllis on your spiffy table runner! Mild winter here too, if it means 6 more weeks, we’ll take it in rain!
    Rain is good. I keep reminding myself of that when I start to miss the sun. —Pam

  5. Sheila says:

    My red ones that didn’t bloom in time for Christmas are keeping me cheered throughout the long months of winter also!
    Perfect for Valentine’s Day, Sheila! —Pam

  6. Kathleen says:

    Your Amaryllis looks like “Queen of Hearts” to me ~ if so, perfect for Valentines. She’s definitely gorgeous.
    I didn’t care for Phils forecast today either. 🙁
    I’m not sure if it’s ‘Queen of Hearts’, Kathleen, but thanks for helping me try to ID it. Whatever the name, I sure am enjoying its beautiful blooms. —Pam

  7. Darla says:

    This sure brought a smile to my face this morning. Here’s hoping Texas/North Florida is finished with the freezing cold for this winter.(since we mimic your weather so often)..may be a frost or two left…that’s about it, I hope!
    I am hoping for only a light freeze or two from here on out also, Darla. Actually, that’s what I always hope for! 😉 —Pam

  8. Indeed it did! Thanks Pam. H.
    My pleasure, Helen. —Pam

  9. Gail says:

    It’s a beauty! It’s displayed very nice, too. You’re a bit warmer than us but we’ll have bloom in the garden this month~Yippee!
    I bet we will, Gail. Yippee from me too! —Pam

  10. Jake says:

    That Amaryllis is beautiful! I fell in love with them after my ‘Red Lion’ started to send a bloom from the ground last spring in FL. I fell in love with them then and there. That kind is also rather hardy surviving the winter in the ground in Kentucky before I moved to FL. That same bulb will now be going back into the ground in KY come warmer weather.
    We can grow them in the ground here too, Jake. I plan to plant both of mine outdoors this spring. —Pam

  11. Thanks. I needed that.
    You are welcome, Linda. —Pam

  12. We are all relying on something or other. I just bought a big orchid for the dining room table, spreading its gorgeous blooms out into the room. The amaryllis is long gone. 🙂 I brought in the first daffodils this morning and the yellow crocus is up and I found the quince in full bud this afternoon and was so surprised! It feels so wintery in this raining week. You were smart to focus on your lovely amaryllis. 🙂
    How I wish I had daffodils in my new garden. I will be sure to plant some next fall. —Pam

  13. You’ve gotten so much pleasure from those Target bargain bulbs. I’ve never even looked at Target’s garden section. Now I know better.
    I found these in the home-decor aisle before Xmas, Kathleen, not in the garden section that pops up in the spring. They were a good find. —Pam

  14. My Amaryllis have just stopped blooming, gotta love them.
    I hear you on not having enough time to read all those wonderful blogs out there. But I persevere, I am trying to read as many as I can each day. Darn housework, gets in the way all the time.
    Me too, Jen. The problem is, there are so many good garden blogs! It’s a good problem to have though. —Pam

  15. Town Mouse says:

    Actually, I read today on Wikipedia that the groundhog has had a 39% success rate. That means it’s more likely that he’s wrong than that he’s right, if my limited background in statistics does not deceive me.
    Stay warm…
    The groundhog sounds like any other weatherman, TM. Ha! —Pam

  16. I nominated you for a Sunshine award! See my blog at:
    Thanks for thinking of me! I’m honored. —Pam