Digging's new look

May 24, 2008

Today Digging sports a new custom header, replacing the plain-Jane title bar I’d used for the past two years. It’s just an aesthetic alteration, but it’s fun. I feel like I’m driving a fancy new car with that new-car smell. Vroom!
Perhaps there’s something about being nominated for Best Garden Blog Design to make you feel restless, ironically, with your blog’s look. I notice that fellow-nominee Kathy Purdy revamped Cold Climate Gardening’s design recently. Gardening Gone Wild, are you next?
A shout-out to designer Shauna Callaghan, who took my ideas, made some thoughtful suggestions and adjustments, and gave Digging a new look at a very reasonable price.
All material © 2006-2008 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Digging's new look”

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I like the smell of new cars and I like the new look of your header Pam.
    Thanks, Lisa. —Pam

  2. Welcome to Kaizen – continuous improvement by constantly making easy adjustments to improve any aspect of life. And I’m diggin’ the typeface.
    I had to look up Kaizen on Wikipedia, Jim. It sounds kind of like, “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better,” which makes me chuckle for some reason. Anyway, I’m glad you dig the new look. —Pam

  3. Very nice. She’s good.~~Dee
    Gracias, Dee. —Pam

  4. Helen says:

    I love the new header
    Thanks, Helen. Change is good, right? —Pam

  5. The new header looks great. I’ve been thinking of doing something different with mine because seeing how it appears on Blotanical, I realized that a lot of people (those with PCs, I guess) don’t actually see the design as it looks to me.
    My new header is a JPEG file like any other photo, not actual text. So no matter what kind of computer it’s viewed on, it should always look the same. Maybe you could do that with yours? —Pam

  6. It looks good.
    The comment by mss has really intrigued me. Zanthan’s design so inspired me when I first saw it about 5 years ago that I practically copied it for a family website I had at the time (which I have since abandoned). But I use a PC. So apparently I never even actually saw the design as it was meant to me!!
    I saw her header for years on a PC too but last Xmas switched over to a Mac. Wow, her header design looks so much prettier on a Mac. You should borrow somebody’s to take a look at it as she intended. —Pam

  7. Gail says:

    Love the new header, you can’t lose with a wonderful flower like Coneflower!

  8. Iris says:

    Cool new header, Pam! I love the bright purple and orange within the calm gray-green & black.

  9. Layanee says:

    A new wardrobe for summer! Very classy!

  10. linda says:

    love the new header Pam. It’s very elegant. And coneflowers are a favorite of mine.

  11. Nancy Bond says:

    Your new header looks very good!

  12. Chris says:

    Just my thoughts, but I love the new header. I think you need to change the typeface of the blog to a san serif font to work more with the header.
    The header is cool, but now the parts seem a little disconnected.

  13. Pam/Digging says:

    Thanks, everyone!
    Chris, my other main typeface is sans serif, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I wonder if it looks different on the browser that you use?

  14. “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better & better” probably makes you laugh because it come from one of the Peter Sellars’ Pink Panther movies; his boss has been committed to a mental asylum from having to deal with Clouseau, and that’s his mantra for getting well. BTW – love the new header.
    That’s probably it, MMD! —Pam

  15. That coneflower just glows, Pam! It seems to be your emblem – they bloom longer for you than anyone else and make your new header special.
    The font for the individual post titles seems to be what Chris is referring to – the body of the posts and comments are san serif.
    Now how can I see Zanthan blog on a Mac? Guess I’ll have to visit one of you Mac people this summer.
    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
    As MSS thinks of oxblood lilies as her signature plant, I do kind of think of purple coneflower as mine (along with that ‘Whale’s Tongue’ agave). That’s why I used it on my header.
    The next time you come over, Annie, remind me to bring up Zanthan Gardens on my Mac for you. —Pam

  16. Bonnie says:

    Nice clean design, Pam.
    Thanks, Bonnie. That’s what I was going for. —Pam

  17. plantgirl says:

    Love your new look – am dying to redo my sites design 🙂
    ~plantgirl of Square Foot Garden Blog
    Thank you, Plantgirl. —Pam

  18. susan harris says:

    LOVE it and will probably hire your designer – great prices! Glad you added the cute photo, too.
    Thanks, Susan. Shauna does have good prices and she works quickly. As for the photo, yep, I’m out of hiding now. —Pam

  19. Nan Ondra says:

    Ok, so I’m late commenting, but I’ll chime in to say that I too think your new look is great – particularly seeing your smiling face at the top! Yep, don’t be surprised to see a new look at GGW at some point.
    Ha—I knew it! Gotta keep things fresh, right, Nan? 🙂 —Pam

  20. Kathy says:

    Heh. Nan thinks she is late . . . I am just now seeing your new design. It looks great. No I haven’t been hiding under a rock, more like my nose to the grindstone. Nothing like hiring a professional to get the job done right. My website design could still use some tinkering, but it will have to wait until everything’s planted–or, should I be so lucky, a week straight of rain.
    It’s never too late to stop by and comment, Kathy, so thanks! And if you are lucky enough to get that week of rain, please, please, send some our way. —Pam