Blue leaves & white bells

September 01, 2009

This isn’t traditional fall foliage, but in honor of September’s arrival and our recent hint of coolness in the air, I thought I’d show two foliage plants I’m really enjoying right now. This little silver Mediterranean fan palm (Chamaerops humilis var. argentea) has such pretty leaves, blue with a silver tinge.

It lives in dappled sun amid live oaks and limestone outcroppings, with a few pups of ‘Macho Mocha’ mangave keeping it company. I may throw some purple heart (Tradescantia pallida) under it too and let that be it for this small part of the garden.

I’m also in love with the softleaf yucca (Y. recurvifolia) and its tower of white bell-like flowers.

I use it as an evergreen shrub in our hot Austin climate, but a late-summer bloom stalk is a welcome addition to its sun-ray form.

Happy September, everyone!

All material © 2006-2009 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

8 responses to “Blue leaves & white bells”

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Wonderful blue leaves. I like the yucca blooms too. I have one that usually blooms around my birthday. I always think of it as my birthday bloom. 🙂 According to the weather channel it looks like a hurricane might be hurling some rain up your way. Ever hopeful for you.

  2. MNGarden says:

    I love the plants that can take care of themselves through thick and thin.

  3. Nancy Bond says:

    That yucca and it’s spire of blooms is spectacular. The foliage almost looks like a sculpture.

  4. Helen says:

    Its good to have some architectural plants that you can rely on all year

  5. Ohhh that last photo is just stunning, is is so ornamental and hardy. Gotta love yucca! Kim

  6. Susie says:

    I love the bloom of the yucca, so delicate looking up close.

  7. Happy September Pam! I am so glad that you’ll be able to go outside again without melting!

  8. Jenny says:

    Those bell like flowers are lovely. We can only dream of those here as the plants are in deer country and the flower stalks make a tasty morsel before they even burst forth. Hot and humid again today!