Garden Bloggers Spring Fling: A Kiwi’s perspective

January 23, 2008

Photo by Tim Hansen, courtesy of morgueFile

Surfing around on Blotanical this evening, I came across a New Zealand blogger who visited Austin last month. Lynsey Gedye of Tea Garden writes, “Having just returned from Austin, Texas, I can thoroughly endorse the hospitality of the people of Austin.” He goes on to mention the April 5th Garden Bloggers Spring Fling and writes:

…you’ll kick yourself if you don’t get there. My previous experience with BlogTalk Downunder [a blogger conference in Sydney], which lead to us organising and running Blog Hui [New Zealand’s First International Blog Conference] in 2006 has demonstrated how, in ways unexpected and quite unprecedented, attending and participating in blog events can be literally life changing. If you are, in any way, able to attend, do yourself a favor – get along.

Well, thank you very much, Lynsey! We appreciate your vote of confidence and, like you, believe that something serendipitous may come of this garden-blogger meet-up. It’s great to hear it from someone who has organized and participated in similar meet-ups in New Zealand and Australia.

And knowing that Lynsey not only survived the planning and organization such an event requires but had FUN too? Priceless!

All material © 2006-2008 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

2 responses to “Garden Bloggers Spring Fling: A Kiwi’s perspective”

  1. irena says:

    the spring fling sounds like so much fun. wish i could be there but alas it was not meant to be. It seems to be shaping up to be a huge success and I’m counting on a sequel. Hope to see you next year.
    best of luck with this great event.

    Thanks, Irena! —Pam

  2. Frances says:

    Love the kiwi shot, very clever. Every day there is more to be excited about attending the Spring Fling. You may have to get bigger rooms to hold all who sign up! ;->

    🙂 I couldn’t find a free kiwi bird photo, so the fruit had to do. And yes, I’m anticipating a great time at the Fling too! Thanks for commenting, Frances. —Pam