Country Gardens book review & interview at Garden Style San Antonio

May 24, 2016

It’s an exciting day when you see that Ken Druse, a superstar in the garden-writing world, has reviewed your book. I picked up the the current issue of Country Gardens magazine (Summer 2016) at Barnes & Noble over the weekend…

…and was thrilled to discover my book cover and Ken’s review on pages 106 and 107, along with eight other new garden books “for the green-of-heart.”

The Water-Saving Garden may not be typical beach reading, but feel free to be unconventional! After all, Ken recommends it for your summer reading. Thanks, Ken and Country Gardens!

I’m also delighted to share an interview I did with the most enthusiastic, fun-loving, water-saving gardener I know, Heather Ginsburg of San Antonio Water System (SAWS). Heather and I met as fellow Texas bloggers (her blog is Xericstyle), and she’s become a real-life friend as well. Regular readers may remember my post about visiting her livable, family-friendly San Antonio garden.
I recently talked with Heather about how I got into gardening and blogging, how important social media is for what I do, how I came to write gardening books, and more. You can find the interview online at Garden Style San Antonio. Thank you, Heather and SAWS!
And remember, if you live in central or south Texas, I’d love to see you at my garden talk and book-signing at the Festival of Flowers in San Antonio this Saturday, May 28th. For all the details, click here.
I welcome your comments; please scroll to the end of this post to leave one. If you’re reading this in a subscription email, click here to visit Digging and find the comment box at the end of each post.

Digging Deeper: News and Upcoming Events

Come see me at Festival of Flowers in San Antonio, May 28, 10:45-11:45 am (new time!). Get inspired to save water in your garden during my presentation at San Antonio’s 19th annual Festival of Flowers. I’ll be at the book-signing table after the talk, with copies of both The Water-Saving Garden and Lawn Gone! available for purchase. Tickets to the all-day festival, which includes a plant sale and exchange, speakers, and a flower show, are available at the door: $6 adults; children under 10 free. Free parking.
Do you review? Have you read my new book, The Water-Saving Garden? If you found it helpful or inspirational, please consider leaving a review — even just a sentence or two — on Amazon, Goodreads, or other sites. Online reviews are crucial in getting a book noticed. I really appreciate your help!

All material © 2006-2016 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

8 responses to “Country Gardens book review & interview at Garden Style San Antonio”

  1. Renee says:


  2. This must be a real thrill! Congratulations : )

  3. Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy – You do xeriscape or water-wise (or what-ever-your-preferred-moniker is) so beautifully!

    • Pam/Digging says:

      Aw, thanks, Mary Beth. I’ve been really enjoying the articles in this issue. There’s a lake house garden in Alabama that I would love to see in person. —Pam

  4. Heather/xericstyle says:

    Thank you so much for doing the interview! It was so amazing to get to ask you questions I’ve been wondering about so long. Thank you for the shout out and link love too. Your mentorship and friendship has meant the world to me.

    • Pam/Digging says:

      Heather, my friend, thank YOU! I mentored you for about 5 seconds, and since then you’ve been making your own mark and helping people make water-saving gardens all over San Antonio. Keep up the great work! —Pam