Another Austin garden blogger “in bloom”

November 01, 2007

It’s like a landslide of garden bloggers around here these days. I was happy to discover another Austin garden blogger today, although I noticed that Annie and MSS have been commenting on her site and didn’t let me know about her. Hey, I like to keep Austin’s braggin’ rights up to date.

Aside from that, though, I just love to see what other Austin gardeners are up to. Rachel, who’s blogging at In Bloom, seems to be into vegetable gardening and finding elegant substitutes for rampant lantana. I hear ya, sister.

Welcome to the garden-blogging party, Rachel.

2 responses to “Another Austin garden blogger “in bloom””

  1. Well, I’m pretty sure I mentioned Rachel the last time I was at your garden when I was talking about all the younger gardeners who had answered my call for oxblood lilies. Indeed, the people new to me who said they wanted some and actually showed up were all younger gardeners. I remember saying something to the effect that it certainly gave lie to the garden ranters rants that the younger generation was too busy with their iPods and video games to enjoy gardening. Perhaps my mention of Rachel was forgotten among my other rants that day. True I haven’t updated my blogroll in a while (I haven’t adjusted to using WordPress, yet!) but I did encourage Rachel to register with Stuart. Also I’m reluctant to add someone until they get past the mikka bouzu* stage.

    Another of these younger gardeners admitted to me, when I asked her why she didn’t leave comments on our blogs, that she found us a bit intimidating. Perhaps what we consider simply friendly chatting is a bit too brash for the newer gardeners among us. Or maybe younger people feel a little shy about joining in a “club” dominated by women of a certain age. I remember feeling a little odd myself looking at the photos when Kathy Purdy came to visit and realizing that, by gum, I AM a middle-aged gardening lady. When did that happen?

    *mikka bouzu: Japanese, a 3-day monk; someone who embraces a new activity with an enthusiasm which quickly wanes.

  2. Pam, I’m sorry to have missed telling you about In Bloom. I can’t remember how I found Rachel, but she’s been on my blogroll for a few weeks – guess I’m taking the chance she won’t be a mikka bouzu ;-]

    As to MSS and that photo – from my viewpoint, kiddo – you are still a Grasshopper.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose