Digging’s address has changed

July 12, 2007

If you’re reading this, well, you’ve found Digging at its new address: www dot penick dot net/digging. Actually, I’ve been using that as a forwarding address for some time, but it used to take you to my original hosting address at penick dot dnsalias dot net:58089/digging.

If you subscribe to Digging’s RSS feed, you’ll probably need to change the address to receive my new posts. Also, if you’ve linked to Digging on your own site, you may need to update the address there too, depending on whether you used the old dnsalias address or my new one at www dot penick dot net/digging.

Sorry for the inconvenience. As always, thank you for visiting Digging!

2 responses to “Digging’s address has changed”

  1. bill says:

    You must be publishing the RSS feed from both sites because it shows up in Bloglines without my having to change anything.

    Anyway, welcome back!

    I was. Some readers were using the “real” address (dnsalias), and others, like you, were using the forwarding address. The forwarding address is now the real address, so that’s why your feed is still working. The other folks will have to update the address for their RSS feed to work. —Pam

  2. Dawn says:

    Hi Pam,

    I don’t think I know how to subscribe to a blog. I’d love to subscribe to yours!
    If you can send a clue my way I’d much appreciate it.
