July 2004

July 09, 2004

Butterfly’s-eye view of a purple coneflower

We recently bought a digital camera, and I’ve been experimenting with close-ups of flowers. The purple coneflowers look great, like alien pods. This must be a butterfly’s-eye view. Here’s another angle.

We’ve been lucky to have a wet and fairly cool summer, and the garden looks lush for this time of year. Here are a few more pictures from the front garden.

Coneflowers beneath vitex, and garden orbs

Gaura in full bloom

The white gaura looks like a congregation of butterflies fluttering in the breeze. Gaura likes sun and can take heat and drought, but mine grows best with a bit of filtered shade from the vitex.

Mexican oregano in bloom, backed by ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia

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