Goodbye, Madison

May 08, 2006

Madison, our wire fox terrier, died today. Like most fox terriers, she was playful, athletic, fearless, and headstrong. Until recent months, when she began to decline rapidly, she seemed much younger than her 15 years and enjoyed walks around the neighborhood, visitors, popcorn, and the occasional squirrel chase. She died in her sleep early this morning, in her own bed, at home, which is not such a bad way to go. She was a good dog, and we loved her.

Here are a few of my favorite photos of her.

As a fuzzy puppy

One of her favorite and most amusing sleeping positions

Always wanting to be outside

Goodbye, Madison. October 22, 1990 — May 8, 2006

3 responses to “Goodbye, Madison”

  1. June says:

    Goodbye Maddie. You will be missed.

  2. chuck b. says:

    Oh, so sweet. Losing a pet is wrenching… even when you see it coming in a slow decline. Sometimes I look at my new kittens and think about our last cat who died over a year ago and I’m overcome with the need to cuddle and kiss the new kittens. Their time is so short. Every day counts.

    Thanks, Chuck. —Pam