Last gasp of spring?

April 26, 2006

Salvia guaranitica

Ahhhhh! A cool north wind blew in yesterday and brought a gorgeous spring day back to Austin. Just when I thought summer had arrived, we got a reprieve. It is supposed to remain relatively cool (high 70s, low 80s) through the weekend.

White skullcap is now blooming in the sunny front garden. Behind it grows a blue Whale’s Tongue agave.

The Fairy, my newest antique rose, has been the last to bloom. Its sweet, pink blossoms are weighing down the new canes.

Update on the sphinx moth caterpillars: after a steady diet of gaura leaves since last Friday, all three caterpillars have gone to earth to pupate. Two buried themselves a few days ago, but the holdout was looking a little lethargic yesterday. I didn’t know if it would survive. But it disappeared today, going underground as well. (I put 2 inches of garden soil in the bottom of the enclosure.) In about 2 weeks I hope to see the new moths reemerge.

2 responses to “Last gasp of spring?”

  1. Hi Pam,
    I hope that’s what happened to my caterpillar, too, but don’t want to dig in the container. The soil level is 3 inches in a transparent plastic container.

    Is lethargy a general sign of intent to pupate, I wonder? The only reason I scooped him up in the first place was that I thought the hailstorm had slammed him. My new brugmansia has leaves like Swiss Cheese after our 2 sessions last weekend.

    Annie, loving the open windows for as long as this cool stuff lasts!

  2. The salvia is kickin!