The birds are back in town

February 24, 2006

I saw a hummingbird resting on a salvia in the front garden this morning. He and I eyed each other for at least a minute before he finally flew off to the coral honeysuckle vine for a quick snack. I’d never seen a hummingbird sit so still for so long.

David spotted him through the window a couple of days ago, so I knew he was back. I wonder where he goes in the winter—Mexico? He sure does enjoy the vitex blooms in the spring and summer. Our hummers are not as colorful as the ones I’ve seen in Colorado. This one had a green back and a dun-colored breast. Cute though.

Trimming and potting up seedlings occupied me this morning, but I found time to take a few pictures.

Valentine rose

Texas mountain laurel beginning to bloom. If you know this plant, can’t you just smell the grape Kool-Aide right now?

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