BlogHer's Debra Roby dishes on the Spring Fling

January 27, 2008

My thanks to Debra Roby, contributing editor at BlogHer, for her enthusiastic write-up about the Garden Bloggers Spring Fling. Hey, if we Austin garden bloggers weren’t already throwing this shin-dig, her post would have me signing up today.
In Saturday’s BlogHer post, Debra writes,

I swear if I ever think about moving to a new city again, I’m going to have to check out Austin, TX. Not only does the city have a reputation for being cool and quirky (OK, weird), and have a conference that everybody talks about for months, they have garden bloggers who love to party and are willing to invite the whole gardening blogosphere to join them.

Right on, Debra. To quote quirky singer Lyle Lovett, “That’s right, you’re not from Texas. But Texas wants you anyway.” Or as similarly long and lanky Uncle Sam puts it: “We Want You!”
We can’t wait to meet garden bloggers from far and near on April 5th, and we only wish that Debra could join us too.
By the way, Debra proposes another game of garden posts from A to Z, in which we give her suggestions for garden posts relevant to each letter of the alphabet, and she links to them in her alphabet post. Based on last year’s results, it looks like we should all start thinking about the letter U right now. We garden bloggers love a community-building challenge, and I feel sure that Carol or Yolanda Elizabet will come up with several “U” posts either today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile, remembering the adage “An army travels on its stomach,” we’ve posted specifics about the meals on the Garden Bloggers Spring Fling. Check it out for info about the menus, costs, and how to make seat reservations.
All material © 2006-2008 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “BlogHer's Debra Roby dishes on the Spring Fling”

  1. Carol says:

    U posts? How about Underachieving Perennials from November:
    Or how about Understanding Seed Catalogs from January:
    Couldn’t resist the challenge!
    Nice to read more about GBSF. Excitement builds!
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens (Where the sun is shining and its above freezing!)
    I knew you’d come through with a “U” gardening post today, Carol. And you didn’t even have to write a new one. —Pam

  2. kate says:

    I am not going to look at the menu for the GBSF – I’ll just feel even more bummed about missing out on the event. I’m just glad that there will be lots of photographs during and after to keep us informed and vicariously sharing your fun!
    I appreciate your commenting anyway, Kate. You are a good sport! —Pam

  3. Ellis Hollow says:

    Oh sure. Quote Lyle Lovett. That’s your secret weapon to get me to commit. ;-7
    Whatever it takes, Craig. —Pam