Blogger comments update

December 22, 2007

Ask and you shall receive. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whatever you want to call it, Blogger listened to those unhappy with its recent changes in the comment field (discussed at length at Digging, Garden Rant, Mr. Brown Thumb, Blogging Art & Practice, and many other blogs). I won’t get into the details again, but I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Blogger for reinstating the old—and easy—way of leaving links to a non-Blogger URL in the comment field.
Blogger Buzz apologized this morning:

Two fixes just went live . . . . Unregistered commenters can once again provide an auto-linked URL
We apologize for having broken these features for you. Your blogs and Help Group posts showed us the true extent to which you used and cared about these features, so please let us know if they’re still being problematic.

All material © 2006-2007 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Blogger comments update”

  1. Carol says:

    Merry Christmas to all the non-Blogger bloggers, right? By the way, I read online the article in your local paper about winter gardening. Nice quotes from both you and MSS at Zanthan Gardens! I’m sure there are pictures in the print edition that weren’t online. Your garden is a winter haven for us northern gardeners.
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens
    While I wish Blogger had never messed with a good thing and wasted a bunch of my time, I do consider their return to their senses a Xmas present of sorts. I’m certainly happy to be able to comment easily on all my favorite Blogger blogs, like yours, again.
    Regarding the Statesman article and the garden-blogger quotes, thanks for noticing! No pics, but I was happy to be interviewed for the article. It’s nice to see bloggers getting interviewed by print writers, isn’t it? —Pam

  2. Well this was one instance where procrastination paid off. I didn’t rush to set up a dummy Blogger blog or try to set up Open ID. Having worked in the software industry for many years I’m a firm believer of the maxim that the software should bend to the user and not force the user to bend to it. I didn’t like being forced to jump through hoops just so I could leave comments on some of my favorite blogs.
    I’d like to add a big thanks to all my friends who use Blogger who took the time to write to Blogger and complain. Without your feedback, Blogger would never have known that users were unhappy.
    Yes, it did pay to move slowly on this issue. I second your big thanks to the Blogger friends who complained to Blogger about the issue. Thanks, everyone! —Pam

  3. bill says:

    I finally got OpenId to work for me a few hours before Blogger relented. Ha! It could still come in handy for a few sites. It seems like Google is trying to make its customers happy.
    Me too. You and I must have been trying Open ID at the same time because as soon as I got it working, I saw from your comment at Kathy Purdy’s blog that the old way was back. Argh . . . and yea! —Pam

  4. Dave says:

    That should make it easier for everyone to share their thoughts and ideas. I’m glad it got fixed. Thanks to those squeaky wheels out there!
    Hear, hear! Thanks, Dave. —Pam

  5. Kathy says:

    I was one of those squeaky wheels. Unfortunately, I gave up and moved to WordPress anyway. Really angry they waited this long to rescind the change they made. Would have saved me a lot of work and grief. But I’m happy I can at least leave my blog’s direct URL now on Blogger blogs.
    Thanks for squeaking, Kathy. I just read about your move to WordPress. It sounds like that was a good, if precipitous, move for you. But I’m also happy knowing that people on Blogger don’t have to be concerned about this issue anymore. Blogger is a good platform for many people. —Pam

  6. Oh, thank goodness! I have to say I’m a little surprised they listened, but thank goodness they did! I can’t wait to go check it out!
    ~Angela 🙂
    I was a little surprised too, Angela. But happy! —Pam