Cooling fountain hits the spot

September 04, 2015

Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to stick your fanny in a fountain and watch the world go by?

This white-winged dove did just that this morning. While putting together lunch, I looked out the kitchen window and spotted him there. The doves are usually flighty at the fountain, but this one cooled his, ahem, heels for about 15 minutes. With growing amusement I watched him and even had time to retrieve my camera, put on the long lens, and snap some shots.

Kinda makes you wonder what he’d gotten into.

All material © 2006-2015 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

23 responses to “Cooling fountain hits the spot”

  1. TexasDeb says:

    Too many bird peppers for breakfast?

    I love how the blue of the fountain is repeated in the blue area around his eyes. Maybe he simply realized how flattering his locale was. He’d heard there were paparazzi around and was just waiting…. “I’m ready for my close-up Ms. Penick!”.

  2. Lori says:

    Maybe he was just waiting for you to snap a pic so we could all notice how his eyeliner matches the fountain. 😉

  3. Alison says:

    I know people sometimes add pepper flakes to bird seed to deter mammals, so maybe he ate some spicy food?

  4. Hannah says:

    The fountain looks so refreshing, it must feel great on a hot day. I like the white edges to its wings and tail, and of course the blue eyeliner is great. I’d stay there too.

  5. I was amazed on how forward thinking you were. Obviously you planned for the dove to visit your bird bath and picked one to EXACTLY match its eye ring.

  6. I have had robins sit in the bath and dare other birds to bother him. Fun to see a dove enjoying the bubbler.

  7. Katherine says:

    So cute! Great shot!

  8. Kris P says:

    As doves go, he’s an exceptionally handsome guy. For some reason I don’t understand, the doves here visit our fountain in the evening, after it shuts off, and just sit there in the dry top tier looking bereft (although doves always look a little bereft to me). Maybe they’re purposefully avoiding the rowdy daytime visitors but it’s odd.

  9. BFair says:

    I think I have read the dove soakes water in and on their feathers to take back to their young.

  10. rickii says:

    I’m not at all surprised that your garden attracts designer birds.

  11. Ginny says:

    I must admit when I think of the expression ‘bubble butt’, this has never come to mind. However, looking at your pic makes me think ‘birdie bidet’, lol!