Garden project blues

June 18, 2009

I’ve got the blues.

Not this kind.

Nor this kind.

This kind. The garden-project blues.
Why don’t the garden-project fairies come and set up my new stock-tank pond for me? It’d be easy, really. All this project needs is a couple of trunkloads of limestone, carefully stacked to make a small retaining wall on the far side of the tank to keep it level, and then a nice paver path installed all the way around the tank.
Really, how hard could it be? In 100-degree heat under the Death Star’s highest setting.

On second thought, the pond can wait. If I look the other direction from the deck, all I see is pink crepe myrtle blossoms. No blues there except the pool, and I think I hear it calling my name.
All material © 2006-2009 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Garden project blues”

  1. Sylvia (England) says:

    Pam, I hope you enjoy your pool – that is why you bought the garden! I am glad it doesn’t get that hot here but the sky is grey… I have the blues too!
    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  2. Monica says:

    LOL, the garden faerie DOES come, you just have to pay her! 😉 I love the first photo–it looks like a sea creature swimming in water.

  3. Gail says:

    Beautiful blue photos, Pam. I have the “where are the garden fairies blues”, too! Thanks for helping me decide to visit Austin in the fall! It’s way too hot now! gail

  4. Cindee says:

    It is going to be 100 here today too. I would really love a pool! Go jump in and forget your pond problems for the day! The pond project will still be there waiting for you tomorrow!!!!
    I love the blue in your garden and it does add a cooling effect(-:

  5. In that kind of weather, the only thing you should be doing with a pool is sitting in it.

  6. Robin says:

    Your blues are beautiful! I wish the garden fairies would finish your stock pond too. I can’t wait to see it completed, but I do understand about the heat. We have been unseasonably cool and rainy here, but I not complaining at all.

  7. We’re still waiting for it to get hot enough to use our pool. That will happen tomorrow as we go from the monsoons to hotter than…
    So, stay cool!

  8. Meredith says:

    I completely understand. I have to take advantage of the clouds today and try to get some of my work in the backyard tackled. Some of the big stuff is just going to have to wait for cooler weather, not to mention money! I agree with Cindee– having blue in the yard adds a cooling effect — I’ll have to work on getting more of *those* kind of garden blues!

  9. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Darn those lazy Garden Project Fairies. How dare they take off on vacation when the temps get so high. Don’t they realize they will have a lovely pond of their own when it is set up?? Your own personal pool looks inviting.

  10. Randy says:

    I feel your pain, it’s really putting a damper on things around here too. It’s also baking the flower petals on the stems. They don’t stand a chance in this heat.

  11. janet says:

    Sounds like it is blast furnace time in Texas. Love the blue container with the blue stones and the aloe (?). nice contrast.
    It’s some sort of aloe, Janet. A passalong plant from a neighbor. —Pam

  12. Bonnie says:

    don’t you know…projects are for fall. summer projects are destined to draaaaaaag way out.

  13. Terra says:

    The photo of your deck, garden chair and pool looks so refreshing, I want to visit.
    It does sound too hot to do the garden project today, which sounds like hard physical work.
    It sounds like it will be pretty when done though.

  14. That dastardly Death Star has probably scared the garden-project fairies away. I know it scares me. Just doing the daily watering is already a big chore. Sounds more fun to give in to the pool blues.

  15. Brenda Kula says:

    I see you like to top off the soil like I do, with marbles! Blue on blue, gorgeous. It’s too hot to do projects outside right now…

  16. You haven’t been slacking, Pam, since the new water feature seems to be moved to where you want it–unless the project fairies put it there for you. We’re 30 degrees cooler than you, but that hasn’t motivated me to get going with the yard projects.

  17. Just as long as this project gets underway before I start on my stock tank pond, I plan on learning from the expert! (insert smiley/winkey face here) We are just getting to the building it stages of our shade structure project, that we started last August. Yikes…these darn projects!
    Thanks for telling me that your shade structure project has dragged on since last August, Loree. That makes me feel better—and understood! I do hope to get cracking on the pond before summer gets away from me. In fact, there’s a water nursery sale tonight that I’m going to, in order to get a discounted water lily for the pond that isn’t set up yet. If that doesn’t motivate me, nothing will. —Pam

  18. Jean says:

    Ha! Perhaps the pond can wait til fall. 🙂

  19. Chookie says:

    I vote for the pool. Not here, though. Maximum today is supposed to be 16 C (61 F) and showery… again! I’m having garden withdrawal symptoms!

  20. Jenny B says:

    I know the feeling! It is so frustrating when you want to put your project together. In this weather, you would have a death wish to get out there and work on it. I think I hear your pool calling your name from way over here! 😉

  21. Nicole says:

    Hey, is that an aloe maculata? That is one indestructible aloe-lives through drought, heat, salt, wind you name it-and sends out blooms every few months and aloe pups a lot so I can give to friends and also landscape with it for free.
    It does look like Aloe maculata, Nicole. It was a passalong from a neighbor who told me it was an Aloe vera, but obviously those markings are not vera-ish. Thanks for the probable ID. —Pam

  22. My favorite color – blue! Love the succulent in the blue dish with the glass pebbles. -Jackie

  23. Layanee says:

    Time for a visit? It is cool and rainy here in New England so we have blues of a different kind. Love your cool looking shots.

  24. I do love those blues in your garden — the other blues! Please send the garden fairies my way when they are done with your project. My bark mulch paths washed out in last night’s torrential downpour and it’s too humid this morning to do anything but sit and drink coffee and make lists of all the garden projects that need doing, now that the hot weather is here to make them really uncomfortable!

  25. Understand the blue thing……lots of rain these days, deep blue sky and plenty of rot. Feast or famine…………

  26. Julie says:

    Splash! How fabulous to have that pool. Today I threw in the towel – simply can’t bear being out except in early morning and evening, and then the mosquitoes are bad. Having your “CEE-ment pond” in the back yard sounds fabulous.
    My pool-less option: a supply of fresh frozen cherries, blueberries, strawberries and peaches — add a splash of orange juice, zing in the blender, EAT. Anything else is too heavy and hot.

  27. Pam says:

    No kidding – it’s hot out. We’ve got a 100 degree day too, so no wonder the garden project blues have you down! Enjoy the pool!!!

  28. Cindy, MCOK says:

    Pam, you’re wise to wait … I’ve been outside until 1 pm several days this week and it takes me the rest of the day to recover from the stress of all that heat & humidity. You can enjoy the process as well as the results if you wait until fall, too!

  29. eliz says:

    That stock tank would stump me. Completely. But the pool I understand. Completely.

  30. Colleen says:

    That is a cute post. I fall into that trap as well. It didn’t quite hit 100 yesterday, maybe 95 and I didn’t get nearly the amount of planting and digging done as I had planned to. The pool beckoned me as well and we’ve pretty much finished the garden around the pool so it looked nice.

  31. Daniel Mount says:

    The NW has returned to it’s usually cool and rainy after a dry spell. We do get them. I can imagine why you drank all those blue bottles of water with heat like that. I vote for the lounge chair myself. It’ll cool down eventually.

  32. Oh, I have so many unfinished projects! I am right there with you.

  33. Pam, a good garden project ought to take some time, and involve many pool breaks (if one is fortunate enough to have a pool). It will cool down eventually, that’s when I’d do that kind of work!

  34. Mosaic Queen says:

    Love, Love, Love the Blues!!!

  35. Racquel says:

    With temps like that the pool would be calling my name too! 🙂