Circle garden progress: Lawn is gone!

May 20, 2009

Carlos, Jorge, and Alex are all smiles after digging out the circle lawn, leveling the slope by moving soil, and bringing in almost two cubic yards of decomposed granite. Thanks to their hard work, I’m smiling too.

On Monday I faced facts. If I were going to dig out the circle lawn, move soil to help level the area, and wheelbarrow in the crushed granite base, it was going to take me a month of weekends, maybe longer. I’ve been fortunate to be kept very busy with design work this spring, and between the demands of work and family, I knew I needed some help to get this project underway. So I called in Carlos Garay and his hardworking, friendly crew. Carlos laid some sod for me in my old garden last fall, replacing mulch where the playset used to be, so it was with a sense of irony that I hired him to take out sod in my new garden.

In less than two hours they had neatly finished the job. Hooray!
The work isn’t done. I still need to level the decomposed-granite base for the stock-tank pond, which I plan to do by scraping a long wooden board across the surface, checking it with a level, and then using a rented water-filled roller to compact everything. Then the tank can be situated and filled, and then I can add the pavers around the perimeter. It’ll all fall into place. But the hardest work is done, and let me tell you, that was money well spent.
All material © 2006-2009 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Circle garden progress: Lawn is gone!”

  1. Diana Kirby says:

    It looks great — and it’s so good to have help with the truly heavy lifting. The plans sound great — can’t wait to see it all.

  2. Lots of work! I look forward to seeing your plans come to life. Have a great day!
    PS My husband and I just pulled out the invasive privet planted by our landscaper. We are going plant shopping today to makeover the new space — adding more seating by the waterfall! 🙂

  3. Getting rid of lawn is good. And sometimes even the Garden Faerie needs a garden faerie!

  4. Pam says:

    Everything is looking good! We’ve got a huge bed to put in across the backyard and I’ve come to the realization my back just isn’t in the condition to do that type of thing anymore. We are going to hire help to have the grass removed too. I can do the rest I just can’t bend and push that shovel any more. It would take me a YEAR of weekends. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

  5. Wow, it’s looking good. Can I borrow Carlos and his crew for a few days??? I am so anxious to see it completed!

  6. Sylvia (England) says:

    Pam, that was money well spent. It would have taken you ages and I understand your summers can be fairly hot! I think all your readers will be pleased because we can see the finished result quicker. I think it is going to look great.
    Best wishes Sylvia (England)
    Yes, our summers can be said to be fairly hot, Sylvia. 😉 I hope to have it finished in another week, although my upcoming trip to Spring Fling Chicago may delay it a bit longer. —Pam

  7. Gail says:

    Pam, It will be wonderful. It’s smart to hire help on big heavy jobs…Believe me, back care professions were more costly then landscapers! gail

  8. Lori says:

    They had nice weather to work in, too! Fingers crossed that you manage to finish leveling your granite base before the heat kicks up again.
    You know, I’m re-thinking my 8×3′ stock tank pond idea again, since it looks like my new neighbors are going to move their fence 6 feet forward on their side of the property, and if that happens I’m going to have to move some rose bushes into better sun, which basically means I’ll have room to wedge some sort of holding tank in where the roses are now. Various technical issues still have my stymied. What do you plan to do about all of the filteration equipment since your pond will be freestanding? Will you somehow hide it all in the pond? I know ESP had a bunch of stuff to the side of his pond, but I’d assume that would spoil your aesthetic.
    Anyway, I’m following these new pond developments with great interest, in the hopes that I can somehow manage to do the same thing!
    Lori, I don’t plan to use any filtration equipment. I modeled my first 3-ft. stock tank pond after the free-standing one at the Wildflower Center, which has no filtration either. I relied on a balanced mix of underwater “cleaner” plants and surface “shading” plants to keep the water free of algae, plus a small number of fish to eat mosquito larvae. The water is clean and clear as a bell. When I consulted on an 8-ft. tank pond in a school garden a few years ago, we set it up the same way, and it’s been working great without any pumps or filters. It is important to muck out any decomposing leaves out of the bottom every year or two, but otherwise that’s it. —Pam

  9. I’m loving watching the progress on this part of your garden. And sometimes it’s so worth it to call in the pros! Can’t wait to see the next step.

  10. This is so exciting, Pam! I’m sure it feels great to have that initial chore out of the way. I look forward to the whole process in this project. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  11. Ann says:

    I can’t wait to see the new stock tank in place… when it is, can you give us a run-down on your mini-ecosystem? I’d love to hear more about the shade plants, cleaner plants, and types of fish you’re using to prevent algae and other yuck…
    I’ll be glad to share what I know, Ann. —Pam

  12. Definitely money well spent! Hubby always does things like that for me and then I do the actual gardening – the fun stuff! But, sometimes the work gets done on his timeframe and I would love to be able to hire it out. Oh well… at least it gets done so I shouldn’t complain. -Jackie

  13. cindee says:

    That is wonderful that you had someone help you! Sometimes we just can’t do it all and its nice to be able to ask for help(-: I am sure now you will be able to get the pond set up and filled with less stress.(-: Oh and less of an aching back too!!(-: Great job!!!!

  14. Chris G says:

    Glad you put your project on the fast track and let the strong arms help out with the heavy work!

  15. It is a wise gardener that knows when to call in the crew. I’ve always thought you were a wise gardener, now I know it’s true! Looking forward to lots of pictures from your Spring Fling adventure!

  16. Jenny says:

    Smart move Pam. I had visions of you having to dig out an area to sink the tank but I see now it will be above ground. Do you have the stones for the paving or do you have to haul them?
    I haven’t selected those yet, Jenny, so I’ll be hauling those in myself. It shouldn’t be too many, however, as the tank will take up most of the circle. —Pam

  17. Pam, this is going to look great! I can’t wait to see the stock tank in!

  18. Brenda Kula says:

    You bet it was money well spent, Pam! When you said you were going to do that, I thought, does she know the magnitude of what she’s taking on? And then, of course she does, she designs for a living. But you’ve saved your back and your mind a lot of worry by getting some strong men to help you out. I can’t wait to see that area of lawn when it’s in its place.

  19. I heartily agree, money well spent. Now on to the fun stuff!

  20. Susie says:

    Looks great, fantastic idea, can’t wait to see the finished garden.

  21. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Everyone needs help in their garden from time to time. Since my Dearly Beloved is retired he is my Carlos or as I like to call him, Juan. I can’t wait to see your stock tank in position.

  22. Lee says:

    Pam, I’m enjoying watching the evolution of this garden circle. Can’t wait to see how it comes together!

  23. It’s fun to see the garden in process and hear the steps needed for completion.

  24. Robin says:

    I’m sure your back is thanking you for hiring that part of the work out! I think you have us all anxiously awaiting your new garden addition! I’m glad we don’t have to wait as long now!

  25. wayne says:

    It is wonderful of you to give credit to those hard workers. very cool.