Summer break

June 08, 2007

‘Apple Tart,’ my last daylily to bloom.
It’s really summer this week—though blissfully late this year. Summer often knocks on Austin’s door, dropping six heavy suitcases in the hall, in early May, sometimes even April. By September, it has worn out its welcome but persists in hanging around—lounging on the couch, hogging the remote, eating all the food in the house—through mid-October. When summer finally packs up and hits the road, we all breathe a sigh of relief.
Right now it’s a sticky, muggy 94 degrees on the screened porch (that’s 34 Celsius). Even the ceiling fan doesn’t help much. Sitting perfectly still out there a little while ago, sweat was dripping off my nose.
So . . . I’m getting out of Dodge for a while. My dad and I are going on a 2-week safari in Tanzania soon, while my husband sportingly holds down the fort at home, keeping my garden watered if necessary (I hope!). No, it won’t be just as hot out on the Serengeti, as it’s winter there right now and that part of Africa stays fairly temperate year-round. On the way back, we’ll visit Amsterdam for a couple of days. I’ve already quizzed YE at Bliss about fun stuff to do in her nation’s capital.
Before I go, I’ve got some paying work to get done, so I’m going to take a break from Digging and compulsive blog-reading for about a month. I look forward to catching up with everyone when I rejoin the blogging community, and you can be sure I’ll have some photos to share.
I’ll leave you with a few cool blue-greens from my summer garden.

Lamb’s ear, looking as furry as its namesake

Rock penstemon and ‘Whale’s Tongue’ agave

An unripe Mexican plum. The young tree is covered with plums this year.
P.S. During my blogging break, my computer guru will be changing my server, so if you run into difficulty accessing my site, that’s what’s going on. Ciao!

0 responses to “Summer break”

  1. Julie says:

    Bon voyage, Pam! Sounds like a thrilling trip.

  2. Bonnie says:

    Have an awesome trip, Pam. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Lucky you to be avoiding the Texas summer.

  3. This is the time to take a break from Austin all right. Can’t wait to see all the fab photos from your trip. Have a great time!

  4. Irena says:

    Sounds like you are in for quite the adventure. Have a great trip. Can’t wait for the pictures.

  5. Ellis Hollow says:

    Go see Piet and Anna Oudolf’s nursery if you have time during your Amsterdam leg of the trip. Safe travels. We’ll miss you while your gone.

  6. We’ll be anxiously awaiting the pictures you’ll have for us. Bon Voyage.

  7. Pam says:

    Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.
    Craig, Oudolf’s website says they’re closed during July, so that’s out. Also out are hofje home-and-garden tours (suggested by YE) because we won’t be there on a weekend. I am planning a visit to the floating flower market, but if anyone else knows of a great garden to see in Amsterdam, let me know. —Pam/Digging

  8. Layanee says:

    Pam: You will be missed but enjoy!

  9. Robin says:

    Pam, I hope you and your dad have a wonderful and safe trip. I look forward to hearing about your trip when you return.

  10. Carol says:

    Have a wonderful trip, hope the time is refreshing and inspiring. I know we’ll be treated to some wonderful pictures when you do go get online!

  11. Nicole says:

    A 2-week safari in Tanzania, oh my, that sounds wonderful> Safe travels, and look forward to seeing some pics.

  12. Dawn says:

    I love that lamb’s ear ‘fur’. Have a terrific winter in the Serengeti. I hope you and your father enjoy many exciting experiences. Wish I could meet you in Amsterdam! 🙂

  13. gardenmomma says:

    Your description of a Texas summer is right on the money and hilarious, to boot! I hope your traveling adventures are magnificent and I’m sure they will be. I can’t wait to see your photos and read all about it.