Sproing! Spring is here

February 27, 2007

The Mexican plum is blossoming
After a high of 87 degrees yesterday (no, I can’t quite believe it either), the garden is rubbing its sleepy eyes and throwing back the covers. The cedar elm is unfurling a few chartreuse leaves. The spiderwort is lush in the elm’s shade and will be pushing up bloom stalks any day now. The roses are showing new growth on their recently trimmed canes. More irises and daffodils are getting into the act.

The first spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis ) is blooming by the container pond.
I saw my first mosquito of the season a few days ago, which is frustrating. I wish they would hold off at least through the spring, while the weather is so nice. Well, that’s what screened porches are for, I suppose.

Carolina jessamine lights up the fence.
Last week my father was visiting, and we decided to take a Segway tour. Downtown, several operators offer Segway tours of 6th Street and the Capitol grounds. Geeky? Yes. Weird? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!

That’s me on the left. You can see the state capitol building behind us.
Our tour ran about two and a half hours, including 30 minutes of training time. It was easier than I thought it would be. It looks like it requires excellent balance, but the machine’s gyroscope actually does that for you. For me, the hardest part was the handlebar-controlled steering. That thing can whip around on a dime, and can whip you off if you’re not careful. However, after a little practice, we all learned how to drive, and we enjoyed stares, smiles, and waves from people on the street as we rolled along the downtown sidewalks. Keeping Austin weird!

0 responses to “Sproing! Spring is here”

  1. r sorrell says:

    My mexican plum is budding out, too, but the flowers aren’t opening yet. And mine doesn’t have the pink color in the middle. I guess it’s different.
    I see the people on Segways all the time. They’re not nearly as goofy as those people on the duck tour boats.
    Oh, we’ve done that too. Put on a goofy tour, and I’m there. 😉 —Pam

  2. The Segways look like fun, must try it some time. Thanks for the pictures and story Pam, they made me smile. BTW no sore muscles?
    No sore muscles, as the machine does all the work. —Pam

  3. Colleen says:

    Okay, I’m drooling. Just absolutely drooling. Blooms AND 87 degrees! You lucky Texans 🙂
    I’ve never been on a Segway. It does look like a lot of fun!
    It’s sometimes hard to feel lucky about 87-degree weather in February. That could translate to 97 degrees by May, which is way above my comfort zone. If I don’t look too far ahead, though, I’ll admit that the weather here is very nice right now. —Pam

  4. Stephanie says:

    I went on one of those Segway tours last year – once I got the hang of it, I had a blast zipping around the Town Lake trail!
    Hi, Stephanie. It must have been fun to ride on the hike-and-bike trail. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to do that because, according to our tour leader, the police have decided that Segways can no longer be ridden on the trails, like other motorized vehicles. Strangely, however, they are still allowed on city sidewalks. —Pam