A rainbow of xeric potted plants

May 05, 2012

Agave ‘Royal Spine,’ misshapen ball cactus, Agave desmettiana ‘Variegata,’ and Dyckia fosteriana (I think). Tough plants for tough summer days ahead.

All material © 2006-2012 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

6 responses to “A rainbow of xeric potted plants”

  1. Indie says:

    Very cute arrangement. I love the little ball cactus in that pot!

  2. jenny says:

    Tough but even they like a little shade.

    The dyckia got along fine without shade for a couple of years. The others definitely appreciate at least a couple of hours of afternoon shade. —Pam

  3. I love your choice of plantings!

  4. Ally says:

    Great selection! I bought a Dyckia this year. Those little guys are not for the timid. They seem to have barbs that get you coming and going. I’m not sure why I like it so much, but I do 🙂

    They ARE very spiny, but I admire their frosted leaves and hedgehog-like personality. The blooms are pretty too. —Pam

  5. Tom E says:

    That very colorful collection of xeric potted plants is something I want to do more of too this month, on the porch steps. My sister reminded me how cheerful these little displays are, whether xeric or not-so-xeric. I hope you’ll find time to visit some daylilies soon, also very bright, cheerful and colorful companions this time of year. My Best of Friends are offering a few nice blooms in this, just their first year. Thanks for the seed idea! The Austin club show is Saturday the 12th, and the regional in Nacogdoches May 24-26, complete with daylily farm tour.

    I have an unknown red daylily that has bloomed already, but my others, including ‘Best of Friends,’ aren’t ready yet. Hopefully soon! —Pam

  6. Katina says:

    Yay for the mishapen ball cactus – it’s more like a spiral now.

    Yeah, he’s got personality. —Pam