Owl box? Who says?

February 26, 2012

So this is why we don’t have an owl in our screech owl box this year. An interloper! And just look how snug and content she looks, snoozing in the doorway.

Sigh. I suppose it’s too late to evict her at this point.

By the way, my blog Digging is a finalist for Best Gardening Blog in the Readers’ Choice Awards at About.com. I’d love to have your vote. You can vote once a day (it’s on a 24-hour cycle) until March 21. So vote early and often! Thanks for your support! (And thank you to Pamela Price for the vote graphic.) Click to VOTE.

All material © 2006-2012 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

17 responses to “Owl box? Who says?”

  1. jenny says:

    I need to send David out to check our box, having had a squirrel rear to young last year.

  2. Tina says:

    Our squirrels must be related as I’m pretty sure that’s why I don’t have an owl family in my house this year. The first year that my owl family lived there, a mom squirrel raised a pair of twins in the house after the owls left. I didn’t mind that–good use of share space. But I’m annoyed that the squirrel supplanted the owls this year. I can see squirrels any ole time!

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Those rotten squirrels. They can mess up so many things. We saw a pregnant squirrel at our feeders. OH Sister, you know what that means. MORE squirrels. UGH….

  4. Nell Jean says:

    You are doing very well. I’ll try to remember to keep going back.

    My dog and cat do their best, but they’re both too well fed to chase squirrels the way they should. Squirrels are so hateful.

    Thanks for voting, Nell Jean. 🙂 —Pam

  5. Alma Delia says:

    Just voted for you…you were in 1st place with 40% of the vote…hope you win!
    Alma Delia – San Antonio Gardener

    Thank you, Alma Delia! —Pam

  6. ChrisF says:

    Sorry…I’d evict the little bugger

  7. Been voting. Good luck. That squirrel is a stinker!

    Thanks for voting, Janet. 🙂 —Pam

  8. deb says:

    How cute!!!

  9. A squirrel chewed a bigger opening in my chickadee house and raised a brood in it, too. Nasty things!

  10. sandy lawrence says:

    You get my votes, Pam, no contest!
    And that squirrel is too smug for words. They can aggravate, but they are oh, so cute … unlike starlings at the woodpecker suet cakes.

    Thanks for your votes, Sandy! —Pam

  11. Alison says:

    I have voted for you a few times, just did again. Hope you win! I’ll have to try to remember to go back every day.

    Thank you, Alison! I appreciate your votes. —Pam

  12. That squirrel does look really comfy.
    They’re cute. But they can be a real pain, too

  13. Ha! That squirrel knows a good thing when she sees it. Sorry the screech owls won’t be taking up residence, but that little squirrel is awfully cute!

  14. David says:

    You’ve got my vote! Congratulations on being a finalist. Now about that squirrel…..I vote leave it (her?) alone, but perhaps set up another owl box in your garden and label it OWL BOX ~ NO SQUIRRELS ALLOWED!
    David/:0) Note: Typing S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L in all caps makes me realize the craziness of some of our words in the English language. Where ever did that word come from?

    It’s a strange but fun word, isn’t it? Thanks for your vote, David. 🙂 —Pam

  15. Chris B. says:

    I checked out the other blogs; yours is the best by far so I’ll be voting. Your posts are delightful. Thank you for sharing with all of us who enjoy them.

    Thanks for the kind compliment, Chris B., and for your vote! —Pam

  16. Scott Weber says:

    I know I should be annoyed by squirrels when they do things like that…but I can’t…they are just TOO CUTE!