Forget the groundhog — water lily says spring is here!

February 02, 2012

This ‘Colorado’ water lily doesn’t care what Punxsutawney Phil sees when he pokes his head out of his burrow today. With a high temperature of 81F in Austin yesterday, the lily and many other plants in my garden think spring has sprung.

It seems a little early to me. I hope we won’t have a damaging late freeze, but I’m enjoying good gardening weather while we have it!

All material © 2006-2012 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

8 responses to “Forget the groundhog — water lily says spring is here!”

  1. Gail says:

    That’s such a lovely flower. I am enjoying the spring like weather while it’s here, too, Pam. February may arrive any day now! gail

  2. TexasDeb says:

    I have a confused bluebonnet blooming, lantana sprouting leaves and tropical salvia all kicking into high gear. A long hard freeze would be devastating at this point so trowels crossed we can ease into “real” Spring this year. These plants deserve a break!

  3. Very pretty lily, I would love to add some to my garden.

    So many of my plants are sprouting too. A few chilly nights, but no freezes predicted for the next 10 days. Compared to early February last year, that’s reason enough to celebrate.

  4. Pamela says:

    Our bluebonnet plants are up–but no blossoms, yet. GORGEOUS flower in that photo of yours.

  5. Tina says:

    Both of my lilies have bloomed all winter, such that it is.

  6. Beautiful lily.
    This weather is quite different from last year. We’re enjoying it.
    I have digging to get done. But, it’s too muddy. I’m not complaining about rain, though. The digging can wait.

  7. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    What a beauty. We are having a mild winter too. I am a little nervous about the expected late freeze.