The enticement of named gardens

January 14, 2011

Driving through central Austin yesterday, I passed by two named gardens, neither taking itself too seriously, both begging for a slow-down or, in my case, a full stop for a quick photo op.
Pictured above is the aptly named Casa de Colores, a paintbox of a house and garden in the Pemberton neighborhood, well known around town for the large, many-colored circles that the owner spray-paints on her front lawn when it’s dormant. The lawn was quiet today, but the house and tantalizing walled back garden—the wall is topped with several crowned frogs—always lighten my mood.

Another fascinating named garden is Stone Palms on W. 12th Street. The palms—two enormous sagos—are growing atop holey limestone pillars. The garden hidden behind the front fence is intimate, delightful, and studded with the artist-owners’ creations. I took a tour of this garden a couple of years ago. I’ll re-run pics from that tour after Bloom Day and Foliage Follow-Up, just for the fun of it.
All material © 2006-2011 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “The enticement of named gardens”

  1. What incredible scenes…the house color on the first, next to the tiles and accent plants in the “de colores” planter…perfect! I am just glad the scent of BBQ does not waft through my PC screen, or I might have to move there.
    Please don’t move before I get a chance to visit your purple-walled desert garden, David. Or at least re-create it here. Of course we’d love to add you to the eclectic, fun group of Austin garden bloggers. —Pam

  2. Diana says:

    I wonder if we have more eclectic gardens per capita here?! It’s always fun to see what uninhibited and less type-A people can create.

  3. Cat says:

    I remember your post of the Stone Palms garden and look forward to a revisit. I’m captivated by their creativity and their ability to implement it…I would LOVE to enclose my front yard and create a courtyard but am fairly certain the HOA would frown upon the idea! Very much miss my south Austin roots at times!

  4. Karl Arcuri says:

    The Casa de Colores is one of my favorite houses in Austin. Everytime I drive by, I want to go knock of their door and ask for a tour.

  5. Those pillars look like tufa almost. Very tropical feeling here.

  6. Cindy, MCOK says:

    Both gardens look very cool but I love those pillars at Stone Palms. When’s the next Austin garden tour? I have to make time for a visit so I can see some of Austin’s fabulous gardens up close and personal!

  7. You just don’t see houses like Casa de Colores around here. That’s so fun. The stone palms are brilliant.

  8. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Now here is some inspiration for a person. Love both gardens. Both say welcome.

  9. Donna says:

    These were so unique. The stone pillars fooled me a bit. It looked like the palms grew up from the center and they kept building around them as they got taller. I bet Casa de Colores is a sight to see with painted lawn. There are some clever gardeners in Austin.